All Class News - Mrs Turley
2021/2022 School Year
27th Apr 2022
A massive thanks and appreciation to all the parents, guardians and children for...
17th Dec 2021
We had great fun making our fingerpaint Christmas tree cards.
17th Nov 2021
We are learning how to tell the time using analogue clocks. We are focusing on O'clock,...
2020/2021 School Year
12th Jan 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Education Authority (EA) have informed the school...
12th Jan 2021
Dear parents/ guardians;
The registration form for accessing the 'supervised learning'...
8th Jan 2021
07 January 2021
Dear parents,
The official application process for children...
7th Jan 2021
Dear parents/guardians,
Having finally received clarification and detail from...
As Part of our 'Happy Healthy Lifestyles Week', we have been very fortunate to get...
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- An tUas. Ó Duibh
- An tUas. Ó Gealbháin
- ASC/LSC Class
- Bean Mhic Mhánais
- Bean Uí Fhiaich
- Bn Mhic Craith
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- Homepage
- Iníon Níc Conmhaoil
- Iníon Uí Shiadhail
- Múinteoir Ó Duibh
- Múinteoir Ó Gealbháin
- Múinteoir Mac Liam
- Miss C.Breen
- Miss Foley
- Miss Loughran
- Miss Mackin
- Miss Martin
- Miss S.Breen
- Miss. Moran
- Mr Doyle
- Mr Lavelle
- Mr Mc Neice
- Mr McWilliams
- Mr Quinn
- Mrs Mackle
- Mrs McAnerney
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Morris
- Mrs Turley
- Primary 3 - Miss Conlon
- Primary 5 Mr. O'Neill
- Primary 6 - Mr. Coleman
- Rang 1 - Iníon Uí Choinn
- Rang 2 - Iníon Ní Riain
- Rang 3 - Iníon Nic an tSagairt
- Rang 4 - Bn Uí Mhaoláin
- Rang 5 Bean Ui Dhonnghaile