All Class News - Bean Mhic Mhánais
2021/2022 School Year
27th Apr 2022
A massive thanks and appreciation to all the parents, guardians and children for...
2020/2021 School Year
12th Jan 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The Education Authority (EA) have informed the school...
12th Jan 2021
Dear parents/ guardians;
The registration form for accessing the 'supervised learning'...
8th Jan 2021
07 January 2021
Dear parents,
The official application process for children...
7th Jan 2021
Dear parents/guardians,
Having finally received clarification and detail from...
As Part of our 'Happy Healthy Lifestyles Week', we have been very fortunate to get...
17th Sep 2020
Dear parent/guardian,
As it is now more difficult to access the Library in school...
20th Aug 2020
Dear parent/guardian
Following last week's revised publication of the 'New School...
11th Aug 2020
Good morning everyone.
I hope you are all having a restful and safe summer holidays....
2019/2020 School Year
15th May 2020
Bhí spórt agus spraoi againn an tseachtain seo ag amharc ar an gcéad...
- All
- An tUas. Ó Duibh
- An tUas. Ó Gealbháin
- ASC/LSC Class
- Bean Mhic Mhánais
- Bean Uí Fhiaich
- Bn Mhic Craith
- Eco Council
- Homepage
- Iníon Níc Conmhaoil
- Iníon Uí Shiadhail
- Múinteoir Ó Duibh
- Múinteoir Ó Gealbháin
- Múinteoir Mac Liam
- Miss C.Breen
- Miss Foley
- Miss Loughran
- Miss Mackin
- Miss Martin
- Miss S.Breen
- Miss. Moran
- Mr Doyle
- Mr Lavelle
- Mr Mc Neice
- Mr McWilliams
- Mr Quinn
- Mrs Mackle
- Mrs McAnerney
- Mrs McAuley
- Mrs Morris
- Mrs Turley
- Primary 3 - Miss Conlon
- Primary 5 Mr. O'Neill
- Primary 6 - Mr. Coleman
- Rang 1 - Iníon Uí Choinn
- Rang 2 - Iníon Ní Riain
- Rang 3 - Iníon Nic an tSagairt
- Rang 4 - Bn Uí Mhaoláin
- Rang 5 Bean Ui Dhonnghaile