Organisation + Management Bainistiú + Riarú
The school is known locally as CBS Armagh but its official name is Christian Brothers’ Primary School, Armagh. It is a Catholic maintained school. The Principal is Mr Paul Doyle. Tugtar Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí, Ard Mhacha ar an scoil i nGaeilge. Is scoil Chaitliceach í agus is é An tUas. Pol O Dughaill príomhoide na scoile.
The Edmund Rice Schools Trust in Northern Ireland are the trustees. The school enrolls both boys and girls aged between 3-11. The Board of Governors meet regularly to manage and oversee the running of the school.
There are four elements to our school –
- English Medium School,
- Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí,
- Naíscoil na mBráithre Críostaí,
- Specialist Provision for Learning
1. Primary – English Medium
Caters for boys and girls of compulsory school age i.e. four years old to eleven years old. Classes are organised chronologically, taught through English Medium and proceed thus throughout the school.
2. Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí
Bunscoil na mBráithre Críostaí is our Irish Unit established in September 1995. Boys and girls from Rang 1-Rang 7 are taught through the medium of Irish. Bunaíodh an t-aonad lán- Ghaeilge seo i Meán Fómhair na bliana 1995. Teagasctar na buachaillí agus cailíní ann trí mheán na Gaeilge ó Rang 1 go Rang 7.
3. Naíscoil na mBráithre Críostaí
The Naíscoil is located in the mobile classroom adjacent to the main buildings. It caters for pre school children whose parents wish them to be taught through the medium of Irish. It is anticipated that these children will continue their education through the Bunscoil.
Tá sí suite i seomra ranga soghluaiste cóngarach do phríomhfhoirgnimh na scoile. Freastlaíonn an Naíscoil ar pháistí réamhscoile a rugadh idir 02-07-2005 agus 01-07-2006 gur spéis lena dtuismitheoirí go gcuirfí oideachas trí Ghaeilge orthu. Glactar leis go leanfaidh na páistí seo ar aghaidh lena gcuid oideachais sa Bhunscoil. Glactar le huasmhéid de 26 paístí sa Naíscoil.
4. S.P.L. Class
Opened in September 2006 and caters for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
The Board of Governors has overall responsibility for the effective management of the school. As well as nominees of the Department of Education, Trustees and the Southern Education & Library Board its membership also includes an elected parent governor and an elected teacher governor. The Principal completes this team.