Home Learning
Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all set for Week 2 of online learning. Well done to everyone for all your hard work last week. You are all superstars! Keep this up.
I have absolutely loved seeing pictures of the fabulous work some of you have been doing at home. It makes me so happy and proud.
As part of our topic “Pets”, the children will be learning about the very important things vets and nurses do to look after animals that need care. This week I have uploaded a PDF version of the story “Vets”. Please read and discuss this book before the children complete their comprehension questions.
I have also uploaded an additional story book called "My Hero is You". This is a fantastic book for children which may help them understand Coronavirus and the uncertain times that we are experiencing. It is brilliant for putting their little minds at ease and making them feel safe. This is not part of our weekly plan, but rather a story for you to read to them in your own time.
Keep safe everyone.
Miss Breen :)