Home Learning
Léitheoireacht- leabhair atá leite acu
For Reading today, can you please go back into your child’s reading group folder and read over each of their books that has been uploaded to date to familiarise all keywords and sentence structures.
Deachtú- dictation
Every Friday in class we do a class dictation going over the sounds and letters that have been taught throughout the weeks. Your child will need their whiteboard and marker to complete this activity or a sheet/workbook.
Domhain Thart Orainn - World Around Us
Prior to lockdown, we had a veterinary surgery in Rang 2 where children had the chance to learn all about the very important things vets and nurses do to look after animals that need care. For this activity, have your child think about all the things that they do/can do in order to look after a pet. Listen and watch the video for a few ideas. Can your child draw a picture explaining all of these important things they do to take care of animals?
Corpoideachas- PE le Ciarán
Follow this link for this week’s PE lesson.