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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

All Class News

15th Oct 2024
Here we are collecting data on the colours of cars that pass our school. We then...
9th Oct 2024
Bhí na páistí uilig an-sásta le bheith ar ais ag Cumann...
8th Oct 2024
Bhí áthas ar na páistí nuair a thug aoi speisialta cuairt...
8th Oct 2024
Yesterday the P.3’s had a visit from NSPCC .We all enjoyed the visit from Buddy...
7th Oct 2024
We planted our daffodil bulbs recently and are looking forward to seeing them grow...
3rd Oct 2024
We had lots of fun looking out for signs of autumn on our walk. We found colourful...
3rd Oct 2024
P1 have had a busy start to the year enjoying outdoor play!
2nd Oct 2024
We've been busy learning about near doubles and how they can help us when adding...
2nd Oct 2024
Tháinig Corn Sam Mhic Uidhir ar scoil Dé Chéadaoin agus bhí...
1st Oct 2024
Bhí R5 ag foghlaim faoi na haidiachtaí agus an dóigh leis na...