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Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh
Christian Brothers' Primary School, Armagh

🍜 January 🍜

5th Feb 2025
January has been a big month with lots of hands on learning. 

We followed instructions on how to make jam sandwiches. This was lots of fun. 

We enjoyed working with money and experiencing the different coins. Some of us went to the shop and bought our own snack. 

Using crafts we made houses with 2D shapes. 

We enjoyed role play using props of 'The 3 Little Pigs' story. The children used masks and acted out the different scenes. 

We celebrated Chinese New Year of the 'Snake'. We made 3D snakes and decorated Chinese Lanterns. 
The children enjoyed cooking noodles and rice. We enjoyed using chop sticks and packaged the food in take-away boxes for home.